WRDSB Libraries are staffed and supported by a wide and diverse group of people.


Elementary Digital Literacy Support Teacher

The primary responsibility for the DLST is to provide direct classroom support to elementary teachers and to support elementary administrators in the area of digital literacies, in alignment with Board priorities and school success plan needs. The Digital Literacy Support Teachers are also responsible for elementary library collection development and collection management. Click here for a list of schools and their DLSTs.

Library Clerk

Every elementary school library is staffed by a library clerk. The library clerk is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the library and providing service to library customers.



Teacher-Librarians in the secondary schools have responsibility for all aspects of the instructional program, collection development, and library management.

Secondary teacher-librarians collaborate with their elementary colleagues for professional learning and in the development of instructional resources for the Library Learning Commons website. Click here for a list of schools and their Teacher-Librarians.

IT Client Services

The department’s team of library professionals:

  • provide technical, procedural, and operational support for all school libraries
  • acquire, catalogue and process all library resources
  • manage Insignia and related library systems.