Inquiry Wheel

Planning Inquiry and Research Activities

Expectations for skills of inquiry and research are embedded into the Ontario Curriculum. This page connects these expectations to the stages of inquiry and to supporting resources from this website.

Secondary teacher-librarians have created a website with ideas and resources for designing inquiry activities that embed a variety of assessment strategies, within the context of guidelines for assessment, evaluation and reporting.

Visit the website at:




Inquiry Planning Concepts and Resources

Developed according to curriculum expectations.

Inquiry Outcome Students will: Students demonstrate: Assessment Resources:
  • Initiate the inquiry by choosing an appropriate and personally engaging topic, and developing deep questions around the topic chosen.
  • Define the task (Is the product and essay, presentation, website, infographic… etc.)
  • Recall and make connections between prior knowledge of topic and current task.
  • Explore topic by reading general sources such as encyclopedias, etc..
  • Generate keywords and search terms for research
  • Focus in on a specific question (working hypothesis)
  • Identify most appropriate  tools to record information, ideas and sources
  • Share thinking with peers and teachers
  • Investigate the topic by designing a plan of inquiry, finding appropriate sources, selecting relevant information, and formulating a clear and interesting focus.
  • Locate a variety of resources appropriate to the inquiry.
  • Assess quality, reliability and relevance of sources
  • Select general and specific information appropriate to inquiry question / focus
  • Use effective note-taking techniques
  • Accurately record citation information and generate a list of sources
  • Analyze the information they have found, evaluating ideas drawn from research, forming own ideas, then organizing and synthesizing findings.
  • Compare and sort information in notes to identify patterns, characteristics, and relationships
  • Think about findings and test working hypothesis / inquiry question
  • Describe findings in conference with teacher
  • Revise hypothesis / inquiry question if necessary (do findings support proposed question / thesis or do they require a change?
  • Organize a plan / outline for the product and choose an appropriate format
(Share & Reflect)
  • Create a product that presents the results of the inquiry in a format appropriate for the subject and audience. Self and peer assessment of product and process. Transfer of learning to new contexts and inquiries.
  • Generate properly formatted draft that includes correct documentation
  • Consult with peer and/or teacher
  • Revise and refine draft
  • Proofread final product for grammar / spelling
  • Share / submit final product
  • Reflect on learning by completing a self-reflection conference / document / exit slip (Learning Skills Indicator)
  • Demonstrate learning using various mediums/tools such as text, video, audio, graphics/infographics, programming,  robotics, and makerspaces
  • Option to use Google Originality Reports as a check against plagiarism in the first draft
  • Rubrics to establish criteria for analyzing, evaluating, organizing, and synthesizing information and ideas
  • Proofread: The Importance of Proofreading (YouTube video)