Chicago Manual Style (CMS) is most frequently used in History and the Humanities. This style of documentation requires a bibliography at the end of the research paper, and in-text citation in the form of footnotes.


The bibliography is placed at the end of the paper. It includes all sources quoted, paraphrased, or summarized in the paper. It provides further information about the sources to which the footnotes refer.

Quick Tips for a CMS Bibliography

This document will give you some quick tips for assembling a bibliography in Chicago style. It is not comprehensive. For more complete instructions, please see the websites listed below.


Footnotes are listed at the bottom of each page in your research paper, and refer to all sources quoted, paraphrased, or summarized in the body of your paper. These sources also appear in your bibliography at the end of the paper.

For example, the footnote for a book with two authors is:

4. Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, The Inquisition, (Toronto, ON: Penguin Books Canada Limited, 2000), 8.

For more detailed information about footnoting please refer to the websites listed below.

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